Stranger than fiction: Is ‘The Pirates of Maryland Point’ a true story?

I hope this week my blog gets viewed and actually shows a post.

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It is a often said that truth is stranger than fiction. Which is bloody obvious really, as life doesn’t need to adhere to a nice overarching story arc, so it can twist and turn like a pit of snakes. Anyway, I digress…

It turns out that even the madness of far-fetched fiction may in fact be less far-fetched than life itself.

Recently, some eagle-eyed readers of my Cockney/Pirate East End comedy The Pirates of Maryland Point emailed me some snaps,

showing goings on in the real world that could’ve come straight out of the book. Feast thine eyes. (Contains Spoilers).


Exhibit A – Pirate Night

This sign was spotted outside a pub in Canterbury a month ago or so. I’m not exactly sure what a ‘Pirate Night’ would involve, but I like the landlord’s enterprise wanting to tap into a lucrative emerging market. In these tough economic times it makes…

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